Essi Ehrnrooth’s installation Negotiation (Neuvottelu) at Riihigalleria continues the series of landscape-inspired art works deriving ideas from concrete landscapes, landscape illustrations, memories and other visions. They are sudden escapes from the occasionally stressful and grey reality we live in. For the artist they are safe havens co-existing with real landscapes, but for the audience perhaps more like dream-like visions or fairy tales. Ehrnrooth’s works question the borders between real and imaginative landscapes: is it wrong to be more satisfied with something that is not a real landscape? A dream, a memory, an idea of a landscape? Ehrnrooth is especially interested in the unseen, gradually disappearing, temporary level of landscapes. The moments when ideas and pictures of landscapes are drawn on paper or archived as memories are the most precious in her opinion. Landscape installations are for the artist a way to become attached with the landscapes, to describe and save precious moments in the landscapes she calls home.

Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth

Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth
Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth
Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth
Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth
Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth
Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth
Picture: Lasse Ehrnrooth
Idea picture for the installation, Essi Ehrnrooth 2016
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